Talk Text Therapy

For the Busy Man or Woman Who Needs Quick Access to Their Success Coach

Now more than ever, due to Covid-19, adults are needing easy access and quick "hip-pocket" response time to deal with immediate challenges (personally and professionally) that may occur in one's life. Let's face it, there are those time-sensitive moments when one can't wait until next Tuesday's Coaching Session. Sometimes you simply need a quick 10-minute discussion on the fly with your Success Coach, or a 15-minute (back-and-forth) text message exchange to refocus and remind yourself of your goals and commitment to life and then you're good-to-go! Call and let's discuss how this access program works. 

What is Hip Pocket Access?

It is a combination of Talk and Text Coaching/Therapy via Phone, Email, Text, and/or Zoom. 

We offer the following programs: 

  • Success Coaching (1:1 and Group)

  • Mindfullness-Meditation

  • Clinical Hypnotherapy

For more information. Please call 1-800-585-8458

Live Online Coaching and Virtual Presentations Available

Note: Many of our clients are dealing with a lack of trust in the science regarding Covid-19 vaccinations. Call and let us explain how we can help support you in overcoming your fears and build trust in the science to make this important upcoming decision. Bottomline, we can help you decide to step up with total confidence (No Fear!) and allow the Covid-19 vaccination to be successfully administered to you. 

Call for your FREE 30 Minute Strategy Session! (A $300 Value)


 If you are in a life-threatening situation - don't use . Call a crisis hotline or 911 for immediate help.